Nostalgic train
Trains number 363, 362 and 366 are nostalgic trains. For these trains you have to buy “Nostalgia supplementary ticket”. These trains only run on the days listed below.
C50 nostalgic diesel engine
Operates only: 7th, 15th, 26th, 27th, 29th June, 6th, 14th July, 2021.
You can pay only in cash with HUF. Card accepted only at Széchenyihegy, Szépjuhászné, Hűvösvölgy
Nostalgic trains operates only on:
Over the normal price Nostalgic Supplementary ticket is required.
Nostalgic train hauled by diesel multiple unit type: Abamot
Out of service
Nostalgic train hauled by diesel engine type: C50
Out of service
Nostalgic train hauled by steam locomotive
Out of service
Nostalgic train hauled by diesel engine type: Mk48
Out of service